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ART-Xplained III

Artworks explained with details of the visual images and background information.
The Atheist


Two panel 100x50cm oil on canvas with eroded acryl layer white. Oilpaint from the lower layes spills out and forms rusted drip-tracks (2), giving the canvas a worn and decomposing look like an ill skin.
Work is based on Metallica's song 'God that failed'. The song written by James Hetfield, about his mothers belief in (failing) god to heal her from cancer. (refusing medications).
Lyrics lines can be seen at the edges (3) and the in mirror writing (1). To emphatize the distance between god and men, Michelangelo's God (5) and Adam (4) are seperated maximum left and right.

You can find some metallica logo's in the painting (6)


Two panels, 80x40 cm in bright colors pink and orange acrylic. Artwork based on the album Stoosh (1996) with lead singer Skin as front lady. Hedonism is about a lost love, lost lust. The left paining is Skin in extreme outward expression (1), right quite and inward oriented (2). Two worlds, two colors, two people. The refrain is word-art positioned in middle (4 and 5). Words for love and lust are written all over the paining. The set can be switched, so the words 'Hedonism' (3) come into one.


Bright beach-colors, blue, orange, brown, white: party time!  Artwork is based on the cover (1) of the Prodigy album Fat on the Land (1997) The album title comes from the old English phrase 'living off the fat of the land', which means living well or being wealthy.
The lyrics of 'firestarter' (2) are mixed in this painting. On the left side the back of the nude lady (3) is a shot from the controversial video-clip 'Smack my bitch up' about modern sex, drugs and rock'n roll: the lady wears an Ant-tattoo (4), which is  re-used on several places in the painting

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