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ART-Xplained II

Artworks explained with details of the visual images and background information.


Unmistaken... David Bowie. Painting on demand with the theme Heroes, or be your own Hero.
Bowie is seen on the right (1), and also in the background (2) among many other known and unknown heroes. The painting is a milestone, becomming your own hero, making your decision, going your direction and make your own future. Songtext is from Wende Snijders - Roses in June (4).

Some artifacts from Bowie's last album is the black star among the stars (3), and the text line from Heroes Lyrics (5) but changed for the Female side of life...


Plug'n'baby (1) - alternative rock song by Muse, from the album Origin of Symmetry (2001)

Artwork shown Matthew Bellamy (4) silhoutte playing guitar on the left, in the background the Union Jack (5) with smashed colors, where you can also see plug-able devices on the right (6). The lyrics of the song are handwritten in gray-pink all over the painting.

The title and theme for the album comes from a book on theoretical physics - HyperSpace, by  Michio Kaku. The album artwork is reflected in green (3) with the field of forks, and expression of the origin of symmetry aka origin of life.

I am Chang

This painting is inspired by TinTin (Kuifje -1), specifically the album Blue Lotus (Dragon cover -6 and  background comics -2), where he travels to pre-communistic China. Tintin saves Chang from drawing (3), and are friends for life.
Chang is representing the stereo-type Chinese, and the comic is full of pre-war suggestive types like the war-mongering Japanese and stiff upper lip English, however Chang is always the good guy.

Suppose the Tiananmen Square protest would happen today, we probably have called the Tank-Man (5) Chang and shouted  "Je suis Chang" - (I am Chang - 4)

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