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Artworks explained with details of the visual images and background information.
Rainbow Child

3D-Artwork - Acryl on Canvas 120x80cm -

inspired on the album Sugar (4)  of Claw Boys Claw (1992).

Title of this work are the first words of the song lyrics 'Rosie'. The lyrics can be seen in the background (1) and are about a young chick, (groupie?) who's a gold digger and follows her way upto the sex, drugs and rock'n roll food-chain. 'Rosie got it made' .
Details in this artwork are the 3D roses (3), where one is pink (outstanding from the crowd), the cool-cat (2) from the album cover, and concert posters of Claw Boys Claw events in Paradiso Amsterdam (5).

Firstborn Unicorn

Painting shows in the back the cover of Red Hot Chilli Pepper's album Califonication (1999): swimming pool in the fornt, Ocean in the back. The lyrics of the songtext are posed in the pool (2), and are about the dark side of Hollywood and the export of the Californian lifestyle. The band is seen in its famous  'naked socks' pose (1).  Anthony Kiedis (Silhouette - 5) Written and sprayed is the lyrics line 'First born Unicorn' (7), probably refers to the book Killing of the Unicorn that handles the death of Playboy Mate Dorothy Stratten in the 80's. (Galaxina filmposter -8)

3D artifacts are the RHCP logo (6) and the 'Im with you' xtc-pills (3). The lady on the lower left (4) is from the albumcover Mother's Milk (1989)

Magic Woman

Two panel of 50 x 100 cm, showing a black magic woman (4) and a tatooed angel (5). This work is based on Santana's album Abraxas (1970), their second album recorded shortly after their  live performance at the Woodstock Festival in August 1969. Lyrics of the latin-song are deep covered in the background (3) and re-written in white at several places.

when looking carefully, the magic woman and the angel can been seen twice in the painting. The original album cover was painted by Mati Klarwein' - Annunciation (1961), referring to the Angel Gabriel and Mary.

The latin influence is seen in the Inca Sun (2) that joines together the left and right panel.


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